Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Managing Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, Part 3

Not only are diet and exercise important in managing Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, taking care of yourself with how you live your life is critical. There is so much advice on improving one's lifestyle quality, from brain fitness to relationship strengthening to mental well-being. With all the reading and research I've done on the subject, I found there is one single thing that you can do to improve all these facets of your life, and that is to get good, quality sleep! Most people really need at least 7-9 hours per night, whether they want to hear that or not, in order to function at full optimal capacity. If you have trouble with getting this amount, start pushing your bedtime back 1/2 hour each week until you build up to the suggested optimal time that works for you. For those of you who have trouble falling or staying asleep, sleep hygiene is important. This includes having a regular bedtime routine, such as a warm bath, turning off electronic devices, blackening the room using blackout shades as needed. If you are willing to try this, Sleep Well is a good app on iPhone, that can get you into a routine of restful sleep. Relax and Sleep Well  has an app for both iPhone and Android Phones. If you are one that doesn't want to hear a soothing voice, try soothing background sounds you can create from TaoMix, which can lull you to dreamland on either device. All these are free apps you can upgrade, if desired. Use your ear buds if you don't want to disturb your partner. In order to improve quality of life, most everyone can benefit from more improved sleep. That's the secret for being your optimal, awesome self in everything you do. 

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